It's just like him
To wander off in the evergreen park
Slowly searching for any sign
Of the ones he used to love..
He says he's got nothing left to live for
(He says he's got nothing left...)
And this time I think you'll know..
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell
She's just like him
Spoiled rotten
Confused by the lies she's been fed
And she's searching for no one..
(But herself)
Her eyes turn to green and she seems to be happy
That she is here
And this time I think you'll know...
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
(There is more to know)
We're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell..
(So tell me)
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
(Make it out)
You will live to tell
(Live to tell)
You're not alone
There is more to this, I know
(And I know)
You can make it out
You will live to tell..
You are not alone.
You're not, you're not alone.
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aku :)

fotofoto :)
Cover Photos Slideshow: Cindy’s trip to Malang, Jawa, Indonesia was created by TripAdvisor. See another Malang slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
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